Friday, February 27, 2009

what do I wish from barrack obama

What do I wish form barrack obama I want him to try to get a better health care. If people have more better health care because a lot of people can’t afford the cast. The cast for health care can be a lot of money that people don’t have. It can take them a long time for them to pay the cat for it.

A person never knows when will they need health care because there are a lo of accidents that happen. If a person brakes the arm and don’t have health care they might not be able to pay for the cast. They might need it for a big emergence but they don’t have it. That can really hurt somebody when they get hurt.

If a person can’t afford health care they should lower the price so everybody can have it. If every body has it they would be in a money problem. The price might be very high for a person that can’t afford it. So he might be thinking about lowering the price.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life Changing Event

The day that I cracked my head open was a life changing moment. I was about 6 or7 years old it was my cousins birthday. He's dad toke out there moon bounce and we started playing. we were doing a lot of things like to see how can jump the highest in the group. Another game was wrestling it was something that we all liked to do.

So we were playing but we got kinda tired so we rested a little bit to wait for the rest of the kids to come to the party. we ate a little bit went up stairs and played the Nintendo 64. but then a lot of kids got to the party and some big kids. then we all started to fight in teams. my team was my older cousin and the birth day boy. VS my other cousins that are twins and my little brother. we started to win the fight because they were like a year and a half younger than use.

Then we got tired of team so we stared to fight one on one. Then a big kid wanted to play to so we let him play with use. he started to beat us up a lot then we started to switch on him a lot to get him tired. But he started to get angry so he pushed all of use out the way but then there was me and my older cousin then he pushed me out of the moon bounce. then my cousin but then I crawled back in but I didn't know that I had cracked my head on the sharp engine.

I started feeling sick then I felt my head and I had a hole in it was wasn't that big but it wasn't small ether.I put allmost half of my indexfinger in it it was coverd with blood. then I told my mom and the yelled and we went in side then the tried to put something to stop the blood. then one of my ants said that they give people money when a family member dies. the I got scred alot.
Then they toke me to the hospital put I had to be careful not spill blood on the car. but then they took me to a room were I was lieing down on my head. Then they put a neddle in my head to kill any germs that were in there. then they said that they were going to put 5 stiches in my head. so then I went back to the pary and evey body wanted to see what happened.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

parents are the best teachers

I think that parents are the best teachers.
Parents can help a child with there problems because they might have gone through it them selvs.
With the experience that they have they might be able to help you.
Parent can help with all the knowledge that they have.
They can help you a lot your parents.

Parents can help a child with there problems because they might have gone through it them selves.
Parents were teenagers once in there life so they know the problems that they had.
They say that you are like your parents so you may have the same problems.
If your parents don’t understand they might try to put them selves in your shoes.
They have more experiences than use.

With the experience that they have they might be able to help you.
A parent is older than you so they know what is happening in your life.
Parent are more wiser than we are
They know are problems because they have gone through it themselves.
They have more knowledge then use.

Parent can help with all the knowledge that they have.
Parent have more knowledge because they have all ready been through it them salves.
They can imagine to be in are place in are life.
They know more to be are places of thought
They are smarter.

I think that parents are the best teachers.
Parents can help a child with there problems because they might have gone through it them selves.
the experience that they have they might be able to help you.
Parent can help with all the knowledge that they have

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Skill Eveyone Needs

A Skill that Every one needs is to know another language. Reason#1 If a person knows Spanish or another language they can help people in what ever job they try to go for.Reason#2 If a person has a job that they need to take to other people they can help them.Reason#3 If a person knows a second language they can get more ahead in a job then a person that knows only one language. In the world today you need to be ready for what ever life throw t you.

If a person knows Spanish or another language they can help people in what ever job they try to go for. A lot of times when you are in a job you need to know something to help. not a lot of people know a second language so that some times throws them of there job. a lot of people only know one language like Spanish they don't know haw to speak English. if you have a customer that only knows Spanish you can help them allot, instead of asking a person that does know Spanish.

If a person has a job that they need to take to other people they can help them. If a there is a lady or a man that only knows a language you can help if you know it to. A second language is a good tool to be a better worker. You can really help when somebody needs something in another language. A second language like Spanish can help you learn another language quicker.

If a person knows a second language they can get more ahead in a job then a person that knows only one language. A worker that knows more than one language s a better worker. They can be more useful when in a interview or when they are in a meeting. You can help allot of people and yourself if you know another language.

A Skill that Every one needs is to know another language. reason#1 If a person wants to be a better worker they can learn another language. when there is somebody that need help at the job you can help them. you can be better worker when you know a second language In the world today you need to be ready for what ever life throw at you. this is why you need to know another language.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Best Day Ever

I was in Wisconsin dells we where in a hotel. we were going to go to a amusement park it was a family vacation. we were all ready in Wisconsin dells for a couple of days.This day was special because the amusement park was really big with a lot of roller coasters and rides stores pool and more. at the entrance t was like a roman times was the theme. when you first go in you see a big roller coaster that goes under ground and gets back up in the drive way.

It was something called Hades it was the biggest roller coaster there.So if you don't like those roller coasters there are many more. The is one that is called Zeus the god there is one called Cyclopes. all of those roller coasters and there are some go carts. are family went on all of them then we got tired of all the roller coasters that we wanted to go to the water parks.

In the water parks there is a spot that the waves come at you in 10 feet high waves.It takes a few minutes it get all the water but it gets up to 10 feet. You can get in the deep but you might get hit by a lot of people. So you might want to not got to the front but the is a lot of life guards so if somebody drowned they save there life. There are water slides in there to there were ones that up to five people can go to.

we went to all of the rides that were there but we left the park around 11:00pm. then we went back to the hotel orderd pizza went to sleep

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

nature haiku

This place is so nice

people fall in love watching

it is so lovely.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

when I looked at her smile,I know she was up to something. I just got out of bed but I couldn't figure out what she did. I didn't pay attention to her weird smile I just went on with my day. I went to get a little to eat then I didn't know were she went. then I went to my room to change then I had to take her to school quick because today there was a very important test today. the teacher let us use are notes and I know I would pass it with a A+. then I finally found her in my room but I didn't know what she was doing. so I told her to hurry up then she got her things ready then we went to school. I dropped her off at her school then I ran to my school because I was almost late. then it was time for us to take the test I was really confident but I couldn't figure out why she was in my room. then when I went to get my notes in my book bag it wasn't there. I ended up falling the quiz put I swear that I put my notes in my book bag. but then i remember that she was in my room she must have token my notes. went I got home I told mom what happened but my sister just said that hes didn't do any thing. then when my mom left the room she smiled at me again and said. BE CARE FULL WERE YOU LEAVE YOUR STUFF.

Monday, February 9, 2009

1.I want to have a good job

2.Try to be a cap
3.Try to meat a famous people
4.Have a nice house
5.Go to mexico one last time
6.Have a nice car a long nice life to see a mexicon president
9.Go to see a mexicon soccer game
10.Have a tatoo
11.Go to a consert
12.have a nice phone
13.have kids
14.not be sick when I get old
15.go to calloge
16. go to a nice high school
17.get marride tackle foot ball in high school
19.go see the world
20.have a good a nice person being old manager at a job
23.have a dog
24.die a quick death
25.see grad childran