Monday, March 30, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words

I started my day like any other day my mom yelled Armando get up it is time for school. I had to get up at around sun rise to help my mom to do the dish’s and a lot of other things. I had to feed the horse and the bird house to but my little sister is a sleep. When my sister got up it was almost time to go to school.

When I went to school ready with my book and pencils. I had to say bye to ma and grandma. I had no time to eat some food. They dog was barking a lot because he had to go out side for he’s business. I had to walk the hole way to school with on of my friends. But he wasn’t her yet he might have been late a little. He got in to my house then me and him had to start to run so we wouldn’t be late.

When I got home I thought that I saw a face out the door in the kitchen. I went to my room to start on my home work. I went o seep a little bit in my room because I was tires from school. My grand ma called me out he field because the horse got out. So we started to look for the horse we couldn’t find the horse.

Then we stopped looking for the horse it was time to eat. My grandma was cutting the bread my little brother was waiting for the bread to. My mom had a little bit of horse food to see if it would come back. I was the first on to start to eat. Then my little sister saw the horse coming for the food she was point at him mom but some food in her hand. Grandma was still cutting the bread and I was eating.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

pet peeves

1. I hate when some body tells the movie when you are watching it.
2. I hate when people turn on the lights when I go to sleep.
3. I hate when people come out of no were and cup Check you
4. I hate when people don' pay you when you make a bet on something
5. I hate when people are sarcatice
6. I hate when dogs start barking when you are sleeping
7. I hate when people blast bad music in the car
8. I hate when people kick a soccer ball and hit you in the balls
9. I hate when throw the ball at me on purpose
10. I hate when people throw gum in my hair
11. I hate when people blame stuff on me
12. I hate when people show off in a sport
13. I hate when people mimic you
14. I hate when people lie when they say they will buy you things.
15. I hate when little kids start to cry out of no were
16. I hate when I get bad hair cuts
17. I hate when I lose money
18. I hate when people take my things
19. I hate when people show off when they get something new
20. I hate when I forget thing but I know were it is
21. I hate when the sun shines in your face
22. I hate when people chow with there mouth open
23. I hate when kids are crying in restraints.
24. I hate when I fail test
25. I hate when people caff on you

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

It was my best friend’s deepest, darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep. He told me the secret the day after he’s birthday. I know him ever since I was 5 year old. He is a little older than be but we were like brothers. We were in the same grade but not in the same school. When he told me the secret I couldn’t believe him.

I asked him how long have you known. He told me that he has known for a couple of weeks know. He told me that he wasn’t expecting it to happen. He didn’t know what to do at all. He was so scared because he didn’t know if he’s parent would be supported.

He would only fell comfortable telling me and another cousin. I told him how long doe’s he thinks that he could keep it a secret. He told me that he try to explain to he’s parents when they were not that mad. He thought that it would be easy to keep it from them but it was very hard.

I told him that it would be hard but you can do it because he was smart and he had a job to help. But he knows that he needed to tell he’s parents what happened. He knows that he’s parent’s trust him and they know that he has smart and he would do. He still doesn’t know when he would tell he’s parents.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Her mystrerious death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances & I was assigned the case. It was a young lady they still hadn’t got the identity. she looked like a model she was very young we couldn’t find a reason for her death. We found her in her living room she was on the floor with no signs of a struggle. She had no broses on her body. But we did find something of a Brose on her ring finger. Here was no sign of a forced entrance and there was nothing in there that was a weapon. There was a window open with somebody’s blood on it. My name was mEr I was good at my job I had solved all of the cases that I was on. This case was special because it would be my last on because I was getting to old for this.

I went down to the police station were I had a couple of test on her done. I was testing to see if it was a drug over dose. The test came back negative for drugs. He got some of the blood that we found and it wasn’t hers. It was a male’s blood we looked at her brose and it was a brose from a wedding ring. Somebody must have stolen it when they killed her. She must have fought back when she was fighting what ever killed her. We were stumped because he didn’t have any leads on how killed her or what killed her. We found out her identity her name was Amy.

I had trouble looking for her husband but we found him in another country. He told us that he was on a business trip. We asked around her neighborhood to see if she had problems with her wife. They said that fought a lot and that he might be having an ufair with some one else. I was the first on to talk to him I had some things on my mind.

I first asked hi if he loved him’ wife he hesitated to say yes. His had a guilty face on him because he would never look in to my eyes with the true answer. Then I asked him how did he think about he’s wife dieing I was being a little mean but I had to get the truth. Then he got up out of he’s chair he said that how could I have murdered my wife if I wasn’t with her when I died. So I went back to the blood that we found I asked him if he had nothing to hide to let us get a blood sample to check that it wasn’t him He said okay. So he walked out the room and I know if it was he’s blood we had to have more evidence that it was him that did it. He is number on suspect in the case. It was night time when we finished the talk with him I was driving back home when I heard a car speeding and he hit me. He pooled out a gun and he shot a couple of times hitting my car I got away by an ally next to use. I lucky to get out of there before he hit my car again.

The next day I went o the police station to see if the blood test came back positive. It did and we had a chance to go to he’s house and get him and search around he’s house. When we went to he’s house all that we didn’t find any thing that could have been use to kill Amy or attack me. Then I thought to my self may be it could have been a drug overdue. The I tested her for that and it was right she had a little bit of drugs in her but how gave it to her. We looked in the husbands house but there was nothing.

Then I found out that the husband left for he’s business trip to days before See died. So I went to question him aging but he still said that he didn’t do it. But then we found out that she was taking a stronger drug that even she toke a little she would die

Then we found that he was a drug dealer and the business trip was about drugs. So we toke him to jail and he confessed that he did it. He got the drugs but that he wasn’t the one how gave it to her. It was a swished my wife found my secrete starch of drugs and toke the most deadly one………

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to make logandale better

What would make logandale a better school?
What would make logandale a better school? They should have more things to do thing in school and after. Teachers can resects the students more in school. They can stop writing people up for silly reasons. So these are some reason that students leave this school.

They should have better thing to do in school and after. Students like to be active and at home they can’t do that. Some kids are bored at school because they don’t do things they like.Studnts like to have sports after school to play. Should teachers respect kids?

Teachers should respect kids more in school. Some of the teachers don’t respect the student so they don’t like the school. When teachers don’t respect the students they don’t like the teacher. Students get in trouble for silly things.

Teachers can stop writing people up for silly things. When students do something silly they get in trouble and they don’t like it. They don’t like it when that happens so they go to another school. When you didn’t do it and they blame you get in trouble. Would you like that?

In conclusion they should have more things to do thing in school and after. Teachers can respects the students more in school. They can stop writing people up for silly reasons. So these are some reason that students leave this school.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Jorge Elisea's life story

I loved my son sense the day that he was born this is he's life story. he was a very helpful he was the nice on of the family. when he go to school he would always tell me what happened. I remember when we moved to a new house he always like to play with he'd cousins a lot.He would be outside a lot but I always wondered what he would do.

then we moved to another house in the basement it was bigger then the other one. he had all ready had a brother to play with. but he had people that he meet up stairs. It was a hid older then him by 5 mouths and twins. the twins always play with he's brother but he would play with the other one. I let them sleep over a couple of times. The house always was quiet without them. Then I started to like them as them being friends.

I remember we he started to learn how to swim toke him to swimming lessons. the we went to he pools a lot. Then when He meet he grandma and he's cousin. he would like play. Then a year later he's grandma came back but with a diffident cousin. It was a girl she was a wrestler. she was the one that got them into wrestling. She would teach them tricks. hey were sad that they left but then they would go back to playing. when he wanted to learn how to rides a bike one of he's cousins thought him.

Then he moved again then they got some bunk beds because they usually sleep in the same bed. they got the X box that they love in there room and they had a little. then he got older the we toke him to the forest he goes alone or with somebody. I always know that he wouldn't get in trouble. but then it was a t a party when he cracked he's head he came up to me and showed me it and I was so afraid. then when we went to the hospital he was okay.

I was so proud of him when he was in a 15 year old. he was in a big birth day party. he was one of the people that where in the dance. Then a few years ago he was in another one in the suburbs. he was then t was he's brothers birth day in march 7 2009 he was outside most of the time. then He went to school know I wounder if the is doing what he is supost to be doing.