Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Outcasts of Poker Flat"

If you ha to blame someone or something for the outcast' deaths, Who/what would you blame &why?

Well I think to blame is Uncle Billy fault for the douches and piny dieing and John Oakhust for dieing. If uncle billy would have wok them up they would have died and they wouldn't be stuck there. He left them there to die will he left them there and toke some food and the House. they would have able to make it to the other town if they were not asleep or If he woke them up. He would have saved ever one even john oakhurst if they weren't there he wouldn't had killed him self.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

The Story of an hour
In this story she was a women that had a heart disease but they didn't know how to break it to her that her husband is dead. The husband's best friends want to be sure that her husband ad died. she was pretending that she was sad but she was really happy because she is know free because she was control ed by her husband. But at the end she gets a real surprise. She was so happy that her husband died but she saw that he was a live and she died of a heart attack.

The Blind Man
In this story there is a man that is blind he is a bum all he has is a box full of pencils that he trays to sell to other people. But nobady pays that much attention to him a lot. When he rings the door bell they don't answer to him. When he is in the sun a lady hoped that he would go to the shade. And at te end some bady very important got ran over and nobady helped the blind guy.

Desiree's Baby
In tis stpory there is a women that can't have a kid so she find on on a rock in a basket and raises it was it's own. But then the dauther marries a rich person and there kid is black at he tink that it is her fault so he tells her to go away. and then he learn that ye is black atthe end he is racis but e is te black one

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr. Heidegger's Exsperimet"

I was the only one out of the four to not drink the water of youth. I was observing them first they drank the first class of the water they felt the effect of the water really fast. They were getting greedy with the water of youth right when they felt the water working they wanted more of it. Then they got the second glass now you could have seen the changes in there personality's. Mr. Medbourne went back to finding ways to scame people out of money. Colonel Killigrew was once the drubk that he was ll of those years ago. Mr. Gascoigne was talking about pokitician like when he was a younger person. Widwow Wycherly was glad that she was turing pretty agin. But the same thing happened like the other time they sttarted to arggue over her. I learned that I wouldn't want to drinkk the water if I was going to make the same mistakes like I did before.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desirees's baby,The Sequel

I had just found out that I was black my mothers letter frightened me so but I couldn't let them know about it. I try ed to keep the letter a secret until I could figure out what to do know. I was thinking and spending most of my time in my office. I was thinking of ways to make this right. I would first go to Paris and go pray on my mothers grave yard. So I hoped on to the first flight to paris It toke all most 4 weeks for me to get there. I had to spend a little time there to see were they have berried my mother but mobady will help me. I had spent over 3 weeks lokkin for the grave yard but I couldn't find her. I visited all of the grave yard and ased people that worked there to see were my mothers name was so I could find her more faster. But every time I asked all of the people that worked there told me that they don't have my mothers name there.

So the first thing that I did was I wrote a letter to my dad and asked him were he had barried her. When I got the responce he told me that my mom never died she just never wanted to leave. I was so shacked at the responce that I have gotten. Then at the end of the letter he had told me that my mom changed her name. I asked people to see if any body know her but only one person know her it was a person that was not in the high class of life. So I fallowed him to a house and there she was at her room my mom she wasn't dead she was alive all of these years she was hidding becasue she was black. I ad talk to her for a long time and I told her waht I have done.

I had convinced my mother to come back with me to america to help me fix my problems. I went to my wifes mom house she was stubern at first becasue she was still mad that I made her leave. When I finally got her to talk to me I told her that I was black and my mom. I was a fool to to her to leave becasue of what I thought that she was. I asked her if she will come back with me to my house to live with me until we both grow old. She said she will come back but if he went back to when see loved him. He said okey he will do what he will for he's wife.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make yo much smarter ,would you do it,especially if you knew only be temporary?Why or Why not?

I would get the operation knowing that it would be temporary because. I am a 37 year old that is mental handicap. I would get the operation to see how it would be to be smart and to have been smart. To be a genius and then lose it would be a wounder full experience. I would be smart and have a opportunity to know how it fells to be smart. I would prabubly be able to learn from the exspereance.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Couious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapters 8-the end


Will I think that he was married to a women that he love and she loved because of he's age. But when she got older and he was getting younger. He was losing interest in her because she is old and he is younger then her. when Benjamin was as young as son he's son was to tired of him because the was going back. But he never could have told them that he didn't know how to stop it because they thought that he could have stooped.


In this story age is use as a big factor because Benjamin was born as a old man. But more as time passed by he was becoming more younger. wen Benjamin Button get to hes 30 he realizes hat he only has a short amount of the time until he dies. He thinks that He s going to be okay because when he;s age and he's time goes together it will be okay


beauty in this story is that Benjamin was born a old man but he keep ed on getting younger. he was a 70 years old but getting younger but he didn't know until he looked at the mirror. Another thing in beauty that they used in the story was that he Had a wife but he wasn't attracted to her as much like before. She was getting old nd he wasn't

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Chapters 3-7

After reading Chapters 3-7 predict 3 problems that you think he would encounter & give your solution for each

I think that he is going to have to exsplane why he is geting younger every year he woud have to tell he's wife or leave her

He would also have to tell he's wife what he is like he was born a old man.

he is going to learn that he is geting younger and that he knows how much time he has left because of how old he was when he was born.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curis Case of Benjamin Button Chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjamin looks and is worried about what people are going to say.

I think that he shouldn't Care what people think about he's child. I wouldn't care because I would love my son no matter how he is. I wouldn't try to get rid of my own son. I would not per tend that he is't my son.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Botton Chapter 1

What would you have done if you were Roger Botton Chapter 1

I would have asked freaked out at first but then I would ask him questions how did you come out how do you know how to talk. I would be very scared because no badey. will tell me what happened to my kid I would think that he died or worser. I would be like that isn't my kid because people looked up to me and I didn't want them to know about it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

What are gangs with out there violence.
No guns and fights to kill people over territory.
When one person dies in the gang fire another person dies trying to get pay back.
Some gang bangers don’t get to see up to there 21 birthday.
The parents of these children might not even now there in gangs.
Most of the gangs fight for drugs and respect.
Some of the gangs bring there fights in to the schools.
In these days you have to worry what you wear.
When somebody is not in a gang but wearing there colors they might get shot or beat up.
Or when you talk to somebody bad they beat you up.
A lot of people don’t go outside because they might get shot.
A lot of family’s get separated because of gangs.
A lot of people in jail are mostly gang members