Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make yo much smarter ,would you do it,especially if you knew only be temporary?Why or Why not?

I would get the operation knowing that it would be temporary because. I am a 37 year old that is mental handicap. I would get the operation to see how it would be to be smart and to have been smart. To be a genius and then lose it would be a wounder full experience. I would be smart and have a opportunity to know how it fells to be smart. I would prabubly be able to learn from the exspereance.


  1. those are good reasons i would do the same thing but you missed spelled some stuff fix it

  2. i like this reason but you have to give an example for this one dude

  3. you need to make lobnger sentence and explain better and plus fix spelling to much mistakes and this is short you could do better but good job i guess
