Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life Changing Event

The day that I cracked my head open was a life changing moment. I was about 6 or7 years old it was my cousins birthday. He's dad toke out there moon bounce and we started playing. we were doing a lot of things like to see how can jump the highest in the group. Another game was wrestling it was something that we all liked to do.

So we were playing but we got kinda tired so we rested a little bit to wait for the rest of the kids to come to the party. we ate a little bit went up stairs and played the Nintendo 64. but then a lot of kids got to the party and some big kids. then we all started to fight in teams. my team was my older cousin and the birth day boy. VS my other cousins that are twins and my little brother. we started to win the fight because they were like a year and a half younger than use.

Then we got tired of team so we stared to fight one on one. Then a big kid wanted to play to so we let him play with use. he started to beat us up a lot then we started to switch on him a lot to get him tired. But he started to get angry so he pushed all of use out the way but then there was me and my older cousin then he pushed me out of the moon bounce. then my cousin but then I crawled back in but I didn't know that I had cracked my head on the sharp engine.

I started feeling sick then I felt my head and I had a hole in it was wasn't that big but it wasn't small ether.I put allmost half of my indexfinger in it it was coverd with blood. then I told my mom and the yelled and we went in side then the tried to put something to stop the blood. then one of my ants said that they give people money when a family member dies. the I got scred alot.
Then they toke me to the hospital put I had to be careful not spill blood on the car. but then they took me to a room were I was lieing down on my head. Then they put a neddle in my head to kill any germs that were in there. then they said that they were going to put 5 stiches in my head. so then I went back to the pary and evey body wanted to see what happened.

1 comment:

  1. dude i see a ot of mistakes in those sentences so fix them
