Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr. Heidegger's Exsperimet"

I was the only one out of the four to not drink the water of youth. I was observing them first they drank the first class of the water they felt the effect of the water really fast. They were getting greedy with the water of youth right when they felt the water working they wanted more of it. Then they got the second glass now you could have seen the changes in there personality's. Mr. Medbourne went back to finding ways to scame people out of money. Colonel Killigrew was once the drubk that he was ll of those years ago. Mr. Gascoigne was talking about pokitician like when he was a younger person. Widwow Wycherly was glad that she was turing pretty agin. But the same thing happened like the other time they sttarted to arggue over her. I learned that I wouldn't want to drinkk the water if I was going to make the same mistakes like I did before.

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