Monday, March 30, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words

I started my day like any other day my mom yelled Armando get up it is time for school. I had to get up at around sun rise to help my mom to do the dish’s and a lot of other things. I had to feed the horse and the bird house to but my little sister is a sleep. When my sister got up it was almost time to go to school.

When I went to school ready with my book and pencils. I had to say bye to ma and grandma. I had no time to eat some food. They dog was barking a lot because he had to go out side for he’s business. I had to walk the hole way to school with on of my friends. But he wasn’t her yet he might have been late a little. He got in to my house then me and him had to start to run so we wouldn’t be late.

When I got home I thought that I saw a face out the door in the kitchen. I went to my room to start on my home work. I went o seep a little bit in my room because I was tires from school. My grand ma called me out he field because the horse got out. So we started to look for the horse we couldn’t find the horse.

Then we stopped looking for the horse it was time to eat. My grandma was cutting the bread my little brother was waiting for the bread to. My mom had a little bit of horse food to see if it would come back. I was the first on to start to eat. Then my little sister saw the horse coming for the food she was point at him mom but some food in her hand. Grandma was still cutting the bread and I was eating.


  1. nice story i likes it a lot good job keep it up

  2. wow at first it started out as a person like in our time but at the end it went right back to the past and other stuff but good job

  3. your story is nice but I think you should put more details and check your spelling!!!

  4. its good at the beginning but at the end i think you could done better
    but nice work do

  5. good job some sentences dont make sence

  6. I like how you started it out.
    Note: It's "dishes" not "dish's"
