Monday, May 18, 2009

The Diary of Anne frank act 1&2

1. The families must obey strict rules to avoid discovery. Witch rules would be hard to follow for you? Why? The hardest rule for me to follow is to not make noise or use the washroom for a certain amount of time.

2. In scene 1, what does Mr. Frank find in the secret rooms? He found the diary of Anne frank papers and notes.(B) it is the memories that he has of them.

3. What special meaning does Hanukkah have for the families? it gives them joy and it brings them more together. (B) What do Anne's presents show about her? It shows that she thinks about there and not just about her self.

4. with a partner discuss Mr. Franks Statement "There locks that anyone can put on your mind."How doe's Anne prove that to be true? she shows that no one can tell you what is what

5. What is the historical cause that makes the Franks go into hiding? the Holocaust. what effects has on there daily life's? they can't go outside any more they can't be normal people they have to be in hiding. scene 2 Anne and peter discuss the star of David on their clothes. (A) What affect do the Nazis intend the wearing of the star to have the Jews. it shows them with are with and to show hat they are different. (B) what background information about the war and the Nazis' treatment of the Jews helps you to link this cause with it's intents effects? they were treated like animals killed like nothing and put t work for hours and never.

7. reveals character and relationships

advances the action of the plot

develops the conflict

8. it shows that people are selfish and they can be helpfully to

Act 2 Questions

1. what do you like most about Anne frank? she is a kind person and she looks like a cool person to know. how would you like having her as a friend. she would be a good friend to talk to her and junk.

2. what disturbing new does Mr kraler bring in new years? that someone knows that they is a secret door in the book case.(B) What hint does this guve about the endind of the play?they might get cought in the end.

3. What is the time span of act 2? a couple of mounths? (B) how have the charectors changed secnce act 1? they are more yust to be in the small addick.(C) How do you know that Anne has changed ? she id much smarter she is know taking care of other people.

4. how can Anne beleave that in spite of ever thing people are good at heart. she bealives that people can be mean but be good at heart.(B) what doe's Mr frank means when she puts me ot shame? he means that he gets sad becasue he know that it isn't true.

5. for each on eof the events identify one cause and one effect.Mr. Van Daan's decusion to stael food.(cause) for them to divide the food (effect) people arn't going to trust him.(B) Mrs. frank's change of heart about wanting the van daans to leave. (cause)

6. what are some possible causes of Mrs. van daan attitude toward Anne and Peter relatonship. She thought that they were doing something that they weren't suppost to do.

7. living in close quarters had multiple effects on the residents of the secret annex list three effects that result from the single cause. people start to fight and make big noise. people become careless and make noise during the day. they might to get notticed that they are there. they get cout and taken to a camp.

8. character action motivation
miep bring s flowers ans cake to the attic rooms she want to make them happy
Mr. van daan he stol food he was hungry

peter van daan kissed anne he liked her

9. if he is in troule he might wan tto tell them were they are hidding them an they might let him go.


Friday, May 8, 2009

solving a roblem on the streets

Solving a Problem on the Streets
There are too many gang bangers in the streets.
Gang bangers are not safe and they are every where.
Where ever there is gang bangers people are not safe
When you see a lot of them on the streets you know something is happening.
Gang bangers are not safe

Gang bangers are not safe and they are every where. Kids should be close to there parents when they see the. Or they should just be careful of what they do. They should go inside there house if it is dark and they are still out there. When there are gang bangers it not safe

Where ever there are gangs bangers people are not safe. If you see that they are there you can call the police. When there are police they wouldn’t do these. They will leave if you call so it would be a good idea. Something will happen when there area lot of them

When you see a lot of them on the streets you know something is happening. When there are there you can just ignore them. You can just hope they don’t do any thing. You can leave them a lone but when they do something call the police. These are my reasons
There are too many gang bangers in the streets. Gang bangers are not safe and they are every where.Where ever there are gang bangers people are not safe when you see a lot of them on the streets you know something is happening. Gang bangers are not safe

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel and Gretel

I was talking to my wife she was saying that she wants to leave the kids in the forest so we don't starve. We don't have a lot of money or food we didn't have food to feed all 4 of use. I told her that I didn't want to do that but the next day we all went to the woods. She told Hansel and Gretel that they should go to sleep while we go and get more wood.

But when they went to sleep we went back to are house. I couldn't sleep knowing that I had left my kids in the forest alone. But then I heard somebody knocking on the door and my heart almost dropped it was Hansel and Gretel. but the first thing that mt wife does is that she says that they are bad children. Then later on in the day we went back to the forest. when told them to go to sleep and then we left knowing that they wouldn't find there way home.

Me and my wife went back home we spent 3 days without the kids I couldn't imagine what was happening to them right know. But then I saw my son Hansel and my daughter Gretel ruining to me and I tough it was a miracle

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Outcasts of Poker Flat"

If you ha to blame someone or something for the outcast' deaths, Who/what would you blame &why?

Well I think to blame is Uncle Billy fault for the douches and piny dieing and John Oakhust for dieing. If uncle billy would have wok them up they would have died and they wouldn't be stuck there. He left them there to die will he left them there and toke some food and the House. they would have able to make it to the other town if they were not asleep or If he woke them up. He would have saved ever one even john oakhurst if they weren't there he wouldn't had killed him self.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

The Story of an hour
In this story she was a women that had a heart disease but they didn't know how to break it to her that her husband is dead. The husband's best friends want to be sure that her husband ad died. she was pretending that she was sad but she was really happy because she is know free because she was control ed by her husband. But at the end she gets a real surprise. She was so happy that her husband died but she saw that he was a live and she died of a heart attack.

The Blind Man
In this story there is a man that is blind he is a bum all he has is a box full of pencils that he trays to sell to other people. But nobady pays that much attention to him a lot. When he rings the door bell they don't answer to him. When he is in the sun a lady hoped that he would go to the shade. And at te end some bady very important got ran over and nobady helped the blind guy.

Desiree's Baby
In tis stpory there is a women that can't have a kid so she find on on a rock in a basket and raises it was it's own. But then the dauther marries a rich person and there kid is black at he tink that it is her fault so he tells her to go away. and then he learn that ye is black atthe end he is racis but e is te black one

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr. Heidegger's Exsperimet"

I was the only one out of the four to not drink the water of youth. I was observing them first they drank the first class of the water they felt the effect of the water really fast. They were getting greedy with the water of youth right when they felt the water working they wanted more of it. Then they got the second glass now you could have seen the changes in there personality's. Mr. Medbourne went back to finding ways to scame people out of money. Colonel Killigrew was once the drubk that he was ll of those years ago. Mr. Gascoigne was talking about pokitician like when he was a younger person. Widwow Wycherly was glad that she was turing pretty agin. But the same thing happened like the other time they sttarted to arggue over her. I learned that I wouldn't want to drinkk the water if I was going to make the same mistakes like I did before.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desirees's baby,The Sequel

I had just found out that I was black my mothers letter frightened me so but I couldn't let them know about it. I try ed to keep the letter a secret until I could figure out what to do know. I was thinking and spending most of my time in my office. I was thinking of ways to make this right. I would first go to Paris and go pray on my mothers grave yard. So I hoped on to the first flight to paris It toke all most 4 weeks for me to get there. I had to spend a little time there to see were they have berried my mother but mobady will help me. I had spent over 3 weeks lokkin for the grave yard but I couldn't find her. I visited all of the grave yard and ased people that worked there to see were my mothers name was so I could find her more faster. But every time I asked all of the people that worked there told me that they don't have my mothers name there.

So the first thing that I did was I wrote a letter to my dad and asked him were he had barried her. When I got the responce he told me that my mom never died she just never wanted to leave. I was so shacked at the responce that I have gotten. Then at the end of the letter he had told me that my mom changed her name. I asked people to see if any body know her but only one person know her it was a person that was not in the high class of life. So I fallowed him to a house and there she was at her room my mom she wasn't dead she was alive all of these years she was hidding becasue she was black. I ad talk to her for a long time and I told her waht I have done.

I had convinced my mother to come back with me to america to help me fix my problems. I went to my wifes mom house she was stubern at first becasue she was still mad that I made her leave. When I finally got her to talk to me I told her that I was black and my mom. I was a fool to to her to leave becasue of what I thought that she was. I asked her if she will come back with me to my house to live with me until we both grow old. She said she will come back but if he went back to when see loved him. He said okey he will do what he will for he's wife.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make yo much smarter ,would you do it,especially if you knew only be temporary?Why or Why not?

I would get the operation knowing that it would be temporary because. I am a 37 year old that is mental handicap. I would get the operation to see how it would be to be smart and to have been smart. To be a genius and then lose it would be a wounder full experience. I would be smart and have a opportunity to know how it fells to be smart. I would prabubly be able to learn from the exspereance.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Couious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapters 8-the end


Will I think that he was married to a women that he love and she loved because of he's age. But when she got older and he was getting younger. He was losing interest in her because she is old and he is younger then her. when Benjamin was as young as son he's son was to tired of him because the was going back. But he never could have told them that he didn't know how to stop it because they thought that he could have stooped.


In this story age is use as a big factor because Benjamin was born as a old man. But more as time passed by he was becoming more younger. wen Benjamin Button get to hes 30 he realizes hat he only has a short amount of the time until he dies. He thinks that He s going to be okay because when he;s age and he's time goes together it will be okay


beauty in this story is that Benjamin was born a old man but he keep ed on getting younger. he was a 70 years old but getting younger but he didn't know until he looked at the mirror. Another thing in beauty that they used in the story was that he Had a wife but he wasn't attracted to her as much like before. She was getting old nd he wasn't

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Chapters 3-7

After reading Chapters 3-7 predict 3 problems that you think he would encounter & give your solution for each

I think that he is going to have to exsplane why he is geting younger every year he woud have to tell he's wife or leave her

He would also have to tell he's wife what he is like he was born a old man.

he is going to learn that he is geting younger and that he knows how much time he has left because of how old he was when he was born.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curis Case of Benjamin Button Chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjamin looks and is worried about what people are going to say.

I think that he shouldn't Care what people think about he's child. I wouldn't care because I would love my son no matter how he is. I wouldn't try to get rid of my own son. I would not per tend that he is't my son.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Botton Chapter 1

What would you have done if you were Roger Botton Chapter 1

I would have asked freaked out at first but then I would ask him questions how did you come out how do you know how to talk. I would be very scared because no badey. will tell me what happened to my kid I would think that he died or worser. I would be like that isn't my kid because people looked up to me and I didn't want them to know about it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

What are gangs with out there violence.
No guns and fights to kill people over territory.
When one person dies in the gang fire another person dies trying to get pay back.
Some gang bangers don’t get to see up to there 21 birthday.
The parents of these children might not even now there in gangs.
Most of the gangs fight for drugs and respect.
Some of the gangs bring there fights in to the schools.
In these days you have to worry what you wear.
When somebody is not in a gang but wearing there colors they might get shot or beat up.
Or when you talk to somebody bad they beat you up.
A lot of people don’t go outside because they might get shot.
A lot of family’s get separated because of gangs.
A lot of people in jail are mostly gang members

Monday, March 30, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words

I started my day like any other day my mom yelled Armando get up it is time for school. I had to get up at around sun rise to help my mom to do the dish’s and a lot of other things. I had to feed the horse and the bird house to but my little sister is a sleep. When my sister got up it was almost time to go to school.

When I went to school ready with my book and pencils. I had to say bye to ma and grandma. I had no time to eat some food. They dog was barking a lot because he had to go out side for he’s business. I had to walk the hole way to school with on of my friends. But he wasn’t her yet he might have been late a little. He got in to my house then me and him had to start to run so we wouldn’t be late.

When I got home I thought that I saw a face out the door in the kitchen. I went to my room to start on my home work. I went o seep a little bit in my room because I was tires from school. My grand ma called me out he field because the horse got out. So we started to look for the horse we couldn’t find the horse.

Then we stopped looking for the horse it was time to eat. My grandma was cutting the bread my little brother was waiting for the bread to. My mom had a little bit of horse food to see if it would come back. I was the first on to start to eat. Then my little sister saw the horse coming for the food she was point at him mom but some food in her hand. Grandma was still cutting the bread and I was eating.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

pet peeves

1. I hate when some body tells the movie when you are watching it.
2. I hate when people turn on the lights when I go to sleep.
3. I hate when people come out of no were and cup Check you
4. I hate when people don' pay you when you make a bet on something
5. I hate when people are sarcatice
6. I hate when dogs start barking when you are sleeping
7. I hate when people blast bad music in the car
8. I hate when people kick a soccer ball and hit you in the balls
9. I hate when throw the ball at me on purpose
10. I hate when people throw gum in my hair
11. I hate when people blame stuff on me
12. I hate when people show off in a sport
13. I hate when people mimic you
14. I hate when people lie when they say they will buy you things.
15. I hate when little kids start to cry out of no were
16. I hate when I get bad hair cuts
17. I hate when I lose money
18. I hate when people take my things
19. I hate when people show off when they get something new
20. I hate when I forget thing but I know were it is
21. I hate when the sun shines in your face
22. I hate when people chow with there mouth open
23. I hate when kids are crying in restraints.
24. I hate when I fail test
25. I hate when people caff on you

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

It was my best friend’s deepest, darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep. He told me the secret the day after he’s birthday. I know him ever since I was 5 year old. He is a little older than be but we were like brothers. We were in the same grade but not in the same school. When he told me the secret I couldn’t believe him.

I asked him how long have you known. He told me that he has known for a couple of weeks know. He told me that he wasn’t expecting it to happen. He didn’t know what to do at all. He was so scared because he didn’t know if he’s parent would be supported.

He would only fell comfortable telling me and another cousin. I told him how long doe’s he thinks that he could keep it a secret. He told me that he try to explain to he’s parents when they were not that mad. He thought that it would be easy to keep it from them but it was very hard.

I told him that it would be hard but you can do it because he was smart and he had a job to help. But he knows that he needed to tell he’s parents what happened. He knows that he’s parent’s trust him and they know that he has smart and he would do. He still doesn’t know when he would tell he’s parents.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Her mystrerious death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances & I was assigned the case. It was a young lady they still hadn’t got the identity. she looked like a model she was very young we couldn’t find a reason for her death. We found her in her living room she was on the floor with no signs of a struggle. She had no broses on her body. But we did find something of a Brose on her ring finger. Here was no sign of a forced entrance and there was nothing in there that was a weapon. There was a window open with somebody’s blood on it. My name was mEr I was good at my job I had solved all of the cases that I was on. This case was special because it would be my last on because I was getting to old for this.

I went down to the police station were I had a couple of test on her done. I was testing to see if it was a drug over dose. The test came back negative for drugs. He got some of the blood that we found and it wasn’t hers. It was a male’s blood we looked at her brose and it was a brose from a wedding ring. Somebody must have stolen it when they killed her. She must have fought back when she was fighting what ever killed her. We were stumped because he didn’t have any leads on how killed her or what killed her. We found out her identity her name was Amy.

I had trouble looking for her husband but we found him in another country. He told us that he was on a business trip. We asked around her neighborhood to see if she had problems with her wife. They said that fought a lot and that he might be having an ufair with some one else. I was the first on to talk to him I had some things on my mind.

I first asked hi if he loved him’ wife he hesitated to say yes. His had a guilty face on him because he would never look in to my eyes with the true answer. Then I asked him how did he think about he’s wife dieing I was being a little mean but I had to get the truth. Then he got up out of he’s chair he said that how could I have murdered my wife if I wasn’t with her when I died. So I went back to the blood that we found I asked him if he had nothing to hide to let us get a blood sample to check that it wasn’t him He said okay. So he walked out the room and I know if it was he’s blood we had to have more evidence that it was him that did it. He is number on suspect in the case. It was night time when we finished the talk with him I was driving back home when I heard a car speeding and he hit me. He pooled out a gun and he shot a couple of times hitting my car I got away by an ally next to use. I lucky to get out of there before he hit my car again.

The next day I went o the police station to see if the blood test came back positive. It did and we had a chance to go to he’s house and get him and search around he’s house. When we went to he’s house all that we didn’t find any thing that could have been use to kill Amy or attack me. Then I thought to my self may be it could have been a drug overdue. The I tested her for that and it was right she had a little bit of drugs in her but how gave it to her. We looked in the husbands house but there was nothing.

Then I found out that the husband left for he’s business trip to days before See died. So I went to question him aging but he still said that he didn’t do it. But then we found out that she was taking a stronger drug that even she toke a little she would die

Then we found that he was a drug dealer and the business trip was about drugs. So we toke him to jail and he confessed that he did it. He got the drugs but that he wasn’t the one how gave it to her. It was a swished my wife found my secrete starch of drugs and toke the most deadly one………

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to make logandale better

What would make logandale a better school?
What would make logandale a better school? They should have more things to do thing in school and after. Teachers can resects the students more in school. They can stop writing people up for silly reasons. So these are some reason that students leave this school.

They should have better thing to do in school and after. Students like to be active and at home they can’t do that. Some kids are bored at school because they don’t do things they like.Studnts like to have sports after school to play. Should teachers respect kids?

Teachers should respect kids more in school. Some of the teachers don’t respect the student so they don’t like the school. When teachers don’t respect the students they don’t like the teacher. Students get in trouble for silly things.

Teachers can stop writing people up for silly things. When students do something silly they get in trouble and they don’t like it. They don’t like it when that happens so they go to another school. When you didn’t do it and they blame you get in trouble. Would you like that?

In conclusion they should have more things to do thing in school and after. Teachers can respects the students more in school. They can stop writing people up for silly reasons. So these are some reason that students leave this school.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Jorge Elisea's life story

I loved my son sense the day that he was born this is he's life story. he was a very helpful he was the nice on of the family. when he go to school he would always tell me what happened. I remember when we moved to a new house he always like to play with he'd cousins a lot.He would be outside a lot but I always wondered what he would do.

then we moved to another house in the basement it was bigger then the other one. he had all ready had a brother to play with. but he had people that he meet up stairs. It was a hid older then him by 5 mouths and twins. the twins always play with he's brother but he would play with the other one. I let them sleep over a couple of times. The house always was quiet without them. Then I started to like them as them being friends.

I remember we he started to learn how to swim toke him to swimming lessons. the we went to he pools a lot. Then when He meet he grandma and he's cousin. he would like play. Then a year later he's grandma came back but with a diffident cousin. It was a girl she was a wrestler. she was the one that got them into wrestling. She would teach them tricks. hey were sad that they left but then they would go back to playing. when he wanted to learn how to rides a bike one of he's cousins thought him.

Then he moved again then they got some bunk beds because they usually sleep in the same bed. they got the X box that they love in there room and they had a little. then he got older the we toke him to the forest he goes alone or with somebody. I always know that he wouldn't get in trouble. but then it was a t a party when he cracked he's head he came up to me and showed me it and I was so afraid. then when we went to the hospital he was okay.

I was so proud of him when he was in a 15 year old. he was in a big birth day party. he was one of the people that where in the dance. Then a few years ago he was in another one in the suburbs. he was then t was he's brothers birth day in march 7 2009 he was outside most of the time. then He went to school know I wounder if the is doing what he is supost to be doing.

Friday, February 27, 2009

what do I wish from barrack obama

What do I wish form barrack obama I want him to try to get a better health care. If people have more better health care because a lot of people can’t afford the cast. The cast for health care can be a lot of money that people don’t have. It can take them a long time for them to pay the cat for it.

A person never knows when will they need health care because there are a lo of accidents that happen. If a person brakes the arm and don’t have health care they might not be able to pay for the cast. They might need it for a big emergence but they don’t have it. That can really hurt somebody when they get hurt.

If a person can’t afford health care they should lower the price so everybody can have it. If every body has it they would be in a money problem. The price might be very high for a person that can’t afford it. So he might be thinking about lowering the price.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life Changing Event

The day that I cracked my head open was a life changing moment. I was about 6 or7 years old it was my cousins birthday. He's dad toke out there moon bounce and we started playing. we were doing a lot of things like to see how can jump the highest in the group. Another game was wrestling it was something that we all liked to do.

So we were playing but we got kinda tired so we rested a little bit to wait for the rest of the kids to come to the party. we ate a little bit went up stairs and played the Nintendo 64. but then a lot of kids got to the party and some big kids. then we all started to fight in teams. my team was my older cousin and the birth day boy. VS my other cousins that are twins and my little brother. we started to win the fight because they were like a year and a half younger than use.

Then we got tired of team so we stared to fight one on one. Then a big kid wanted to play to so we let him play with use. he started to beat us up a lot then we started to switch on him a lot to get him tired. But he started to get angry so he pushed all of use out the way but then there was me and my older cousin then he pushed me out of the moon bounce. then my cousin but then I crawled back in but I didn't know that I had cracked my head on the sharp engine.

I started feeling sick then I felt my head and I had a hole in it was wasn't that big but it wasn't small ether.I put allmost half of my indexfinger in it it was coverd with blood. then I told my mom and the yelled and we went in side then the tried to put something to stop the blood. then one of my ants said that they give people money when a family member dies. the I got scred alot.
Then they toke me to the hospital put I had to be careful not spill blood on the car. but then they took me to a room were I was lieing down on my head. Then they put a neddle in my head to kill any germs that were in there. then they said that they were going to put 5 stiches in my head. so then I went back to the pary and evey body wanted to see what happened.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

parents are the best teachers

I think that parents are the best teachers.
Parents can help a child with there problems because they might have gone through it them selvs.
With the experience that they have they might be able to help you.
Parent can help with all the knowledge that they have.
They can help you a lot your parents.

Parents can help a child with there problems because they might have gone through it them selves.
Parents were teenagers once in there life so they know the problems that they had.
They say that you are like your parents so you may have the same problems.
If your parents don’t understand they might try to put them selves in your shoes.
They have more experiences than use.

With the experience that they have they might be able to help you.
A parent is older than you so they know what is happening in your life.
Parent are more wiser than we are
They know are problems because they have gone through it themselves.
They have more knowledge then use.

Parent can help with all the knowledge that they have.
Parent have more knowledge because they have all ready been through it them salves.
They can imagine to be in are place in are life.
They know more to be are places of thought
They are smarter.

I think that parents are the best teachers.
Parents can help a child with there problems because they might have gone through it them selves.
the experience that they have they might be able to help you.
Parent can help with all the knowledge that they have

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Skill Eveyone Needs

A Skill that Every one needs is to know another language. Reason#1 If a person knows Spanish or another language they can help people in what ever job they try to go for.Reason#2 If a person has a job that they need to take to other people they can help them.Reason#3 If a person knows a second language they can get more ahead in a job then a person that knows only one language. In the world today you need to be ready for what ever life throw t you.

If a person knows Spanish or another language they can help people in what ever job they try to go for. A lot of times when you are in a job you need to know something to help. not a lot of people know a second language so that some times throws them of there job. a lot of people only know one language like Spanish they don't know haw to speak English. if you have a customer that only knows Spanish you can help them allot, instead of asking a person that does know Spanish.

If a person has a job that they need to take to other people they can help them. If a there is a lady or a man that only knows a language you can help if you know it to. A second language is a good tool to be a better worker. You can really help when somebody needs something in another language. A second language like Spanish can help you learn another language quicker.

If a person knows a second language they can get more ahead in a job then a person that knows only one language. A worker that knows more than one language s a better worker. They can be more useful when in a interview or when they are in a meeting. You can help allot of people and yourself if you know another language.

A Skill that Every one needs is to know another language. reason#1 If a person wants to be a better worker they can learn another language. when there is somebody that need help at the job you can help them. you can be better worker when you know a second language In the world today you need to be ready for what ever life throw at you. this is why you need to know another language.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Best Day Ever

I was in Wisconsin dells we where in a hotel. we were going to go to a amusement park it was a family vacation. we were all ready in Wisconsin dells for a couple of days.This day was special because the amusement park was really big with a lot of roller coasters and rides stores pool and more. at the entrance t was like a roman times was the theme. when you first go in you see a big roller coaster that goes under ground and gets back up in the drive way.

It was something called Hades it was the biggest roller coaster there.So if you don't like those roller coasters there are many more. The is one that is called Zeus the god there is one called Cyclopes. all of those roller coasters and there are some go carts. are family went on all of them then we got tired of all the roller coasters that we wanted to go to the water parks.

In the water parks there is a spot that the waves come at you in 10 feet high waves.It takes a few minutes it get all the water but it gets up to 10 feet. You can get in the deep but you might get hit by a lot of people. So you might want to not got to the front but the is a lot of life guards so if somebody drowned they save there life. There are water slides in there to there were ones that up to five people can go to.

we went to all of the rides that were there but we left the park around 11:00pm. then we went back to the hotel orderd pizza went to sleep

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

nature haiku

This place is so nice

people fall in love watching

it is so lovely.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

when I looked at her smile,I know she was up to something. I just got out of bed but I couldn't figure out what she did. I didn't pay attention to her weird smile I just went on with my day. I went to get a little to eat then I didn't know were she went. then I went to my room to change then I had to take her to school quick because today there was a very important test today. the teacher let us use are notes and I know I would pass it with a A+. then I finally found her in my room but I didn't know what she was doing. so I told her to hurry up then she got her things ready then we went to school. I dropped her off at her school then I ran to my school because I was almost late. then it was time for us to take the test I was really confident but I couldn't figure out why she was in my room. then when I went to get my notes in my book bag it wasn't there. I ended up falling the quiz put I swear that I put my notes in my book bag. but then i remember that she was in my room she must have token my notes. went I got home I told mom what happened but my sister just said that hes didn't do any thing. then when my mom left the room she smiled at me again and said. BE CARE FULL WERE YOU LEAVE YOUR STUFF.

Monday, February 9, 2009

1.I want to have a good job

2.Try to be a cap
3.Try to meat a famous people
4.Have a nice house
5.Go to mexico one last time
6.Have a nice car a long nice life to see a mexicon president
9.Go to see a mexicon soccer game
10.Have a tatoo
11.Go to a consert
12.have a nice phone
13.have kids
14.not be sick when I get old
15.go to calloge
16. go to a nice high school
17.get marride tackle foot ball in high school
19.go see the world
20.have a good a nice person being old manager at a job
23.have a dog
24.die a quick death
25.see grad childran